Pam and her husband, Art, have lived in Williamstown, MA for the past 41 years. They are now retired and go to the mountains for 4-5 months to ski in the winter and enjoy the beautiful mountains for a little time in the summer. Her artistic interests had an unusual beginning. She became interested in woodworking. Starting in NH where they lived for 6 years, she learned the art of woodworking from a retired farmer who took her into his shop and gave her use of his tools to create in wood. Once in Williamstown, she rented space in a woodworking shop and started to make different pieces. This led to a goal of making enough money to set up her own shop in their house. This was eventually accomplished and the shop is still functioning. Once she started to work at Williams College it became evident that woodworking took a great deal of time. She was rearing two sons and working full time as an Administrator at the Williams College. A local watercolor artist had an “open studio” one night a week, where she went to learn how to paint in watercolor. Once this happened she was hooked and started to paint about 10-12 years ago. When they started their dual life in Williamstown and Silverthorne, CO, she joined Women of Watercolor and has enjoyed the comaradere of painting with others who have the same passion and interest. While she still has much to learn, watercolor has become an important part of her artistic life.